The One is a seven week sermon series at Immanuel in September and October of 2021. Watch the videos below to hear more about the weekly topics from our Pastors.
Week 7: Charged for the One
Matthew 28:18-20
Just as Jesus charged his disciples in Matthew 28:18-20 to go and make disciples of all nations, he also charges us to do the same. So as we move out to journey life with our Ones, it’s important to remember that this journey is one that is Charged by the One. Living life with our One is exactly what Jesus directs us to do. We are indeed making disciples, one person at a time. How will you respond to Jesus command to “Go and make disciples”?
Week 6: Committed to the One
Acts 5:17-42
The Apostles were deeply committed to witnessing their faith by teaching and preaching about Jesus even in the face of imprisonment, beating, and persecution. They were maturing and kingdom activated disciples of Christ. The Apostles’ entire focus was being so committed to The One, Jesus, that they set their eyes on those who were in earlier stages of their walk of faith in Jesus, particularly to those who were ‘willing to try’ and those who were ‘infant disciples’ in the Journey of Following Jesus. Today we continue to learn more about that journey and how Christians find themselves as ‘maturing disciples’ who are ‘kingdom activated’. Where to you find yourself on this journey of faith? Are you willing to reach back and bring someone along?
Week 5: Caring for the One
Exodus 2:1-10
Throughout the Bible we see how God cares for His people. That was evident in the story of Moses as a baby where God had a plan to protect him and return him safely to his family. God cares for each one of us. It’s that care that God daily shows to us we reflect to our ONES. We are CARING for our ONES. For each one of us the care that we extend to our ONES will look different. The most important way that we CARE for our ONES is by sharing the love of Christ with them.
Week 4: Connected to the One
Luke 19:1-10
How are you connected to your One? Family? Friend? Co-worker? Having a strong connection to your One already makes it easier to share deeper more meaningful moments of life with, particularly God’s love for them. While this connection is important, being connected to ‘The One’, Jesus Christ is the greatest and most eternal connection. Being connected to ‘The One’ provides everything you need in this endeavor to intentionally engage and live life with your One. Zacchaeus found out first-hand how incredible it is to be Connected to The One.
Week 3: A Light for the One
Acts 13:47 & Matthew 5:13-16
There is so much darkness in the world today. We see it on the news, we see it in the interactions between people, in the lives of the people around us and our own lives. There is only one light that can outshine the darkness of this world and that is Christ, He is the Light of the World! God uses us to spread the Light of Christ to those around! We are a Light for the One! As we live intentionally with our Ones, we share with them the Light of Christ.
Week 2: United for the One
1 Corinthians 12:12-27
Not only are we CHOSEN for the ONE we are UNITED for the ONE! We are UNITED as the Body of Christ to carry out God’s mission to build His Kingdom. We are UNITED as we reach our ONES as we get to hear the stories of the ONES of our church family. We are UNITED as we pray together over all the ONES. We all make up the body of Christ and each one of us is needed. Just as Paul wrote to the Corinthians in 1 Corinthians each part of the human body is important, each one of us is important to the body of Christ. As the body of Christ we are UNITED for the ONE!
Week 1: Chosen for the One
1 Peter 2:9
Good News! You have been chosen!! Actually, you have been chosen by “The One” who called you out of the darkness and into his marvelous light to speak out to another “One” about the excellencies of God. Today we will explore the concept that you have been chosen by “The One”, for “the one” person in your life that needs to know the love of Jesus Christ our Lord. Who is your “One”? Who has God placed in your life that needs to know Jesus? Are you willing to show forth to your “One” how incredible it is to have Jesus as your Savior?
More from Our Pastors
THE POWER OF ONE: Coming Out of the Darkness Into His Marvelous Light
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