Let’s Celebrate Our Veterans!
The Community Meal is inviting all active and retired service men and women and their families to this event.
Thursday, November 10th at St. Michael’s Episcopal Church
647 Dundee Avenue in Barrington
5:00-7:00 p.m.
- The Crystal Lake Community Band Saxophone Quartet will perform at 5:30 pm
- VFW Post 7706, American Legion Post 0158 and Veterans of Lake Barrington Shores will be joining us
Enjoy a meal with your community and honor our veterans.
Events Scheduled
Flag ceremony and pledge of allegiance Cub Scout Pack 183
Recognizing all veterans
Meal blessing Deacon Judith C. Heinrich
Signal Hill Daughters of the Revolution Serving the meal
Illinois State Treasurer Unclaimed Property Table
Sponsered by
Crissie Insurance Company
Casey Automotive
Rose Packing Company
Questions? Email Mary Sandner, founder of The Community Meal at sandyahasse@gmail.com or visit www.thecommunitymeal.org.