Focusing on our Palatine LERT Ministry
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About Our Ministry
(Click on any Question to Unfold the Answer)
What is the Purpose of the Palatine LERT Ministry?
Members of the “Palatine LERT” Ministry truly have a heart for helping people in need. Christ tells us to get out into the world and help His people who are struggling to cope. The Palatine LERT (Lutheran Emergency Response Team) ministry is a LCMS-sponsored ministry that combines the joint resources of both Immanuel Lutheran Church and Prince of Peace Lutheran Church to assist people who are struggling with damages caused by natural disasters or to assist people in our local community who are struggling to maintain their residence due to their physical limitations, unemployment, disability or handicap. Assistance from the Palatine LERT Ministry is always provided free of charge.
What are the Key Responsibilities of the Palatine LERT Ministry?
The Palatine LERT ministry takes a two-prong approach to assisting people. One one hand, there is LERT’s founding purpose of providing assistance to people who have been struck by a natural disaster, such as a tornado, hurricane, micro-burst or flood. As such, the Palatine LERT Ministry can be invited to travel to natural disasters and join forces with other LERT teams to render a coordinated assistance.
Recently, we have further expanded the scope of the Palatine LERT ministry to also provide assistance with “personal disasters,” whereby people of our local community are struggling to keep-up with maintenance needs of their property; typically including the elderly, the disabled, the job-less and the handicapped.
Why does your Ministry Matter?
Christ calls us to be His hands and feet, so our ministry isn’t so much about talking, as it is about really doing. Helping people in need is simply the right thing to do. It calls to us. By far, the best way to gain trust and reach-out to people in the name of Christ is through unselfish service to them! People we are helping often ask, “Why are you doing this… for nothing?” And with that question, God throws the door wide-open for witnessing to a person whose heart is now wide-open to the workings of the Holy Spirit. That is why this ministry matters…. for all eternity. Our ministry rests firmly upon Mathew 25:31-46.
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What Kinds of Assistance or Help is Available Through the LERT Ministry?
The Palatine LERT Ministry stands by the side of people who are truly in need of assistance with their residence and property. This can be the result of a natural disaster such as a hurricane, flood or a tornado. The official request to support such an event is originated by the LERT management team and goes to all of the local LERT Teams. Each team assesses its ability to support the call and to deploy resources to the event (or not), based on its own unique logistics and member circumstances.
In terms of local “personal disaster” support, for people in our local community who are struggling to cope with maintenance of their property, the process is a bit different. Requests for assistance from the LERT ministry are evaluated on a case-by-case basis to determine if the request falls within the scope and abilities or our LERT team members. The prospective client needs to have a genuine need for help, with no viable alternatives. Such cases typically include the elderly, the unemployed, the veteran, the disabled or the handicapped. Once accepted, assistance available may include: Electrical, Plumbing, HVAC, carpentry, painting, drywall, lawn care, snow removal, electronic/computer, moving/hauling.
How Do I Make Contact With The Palatine LERT Ministry?
Just click on the “Get Help!” in the upper-left box above! Doing so will take you to a form that allows you to contact us. We thank you for reaching out to us and our ministry.
I Have a Quick Question - How Do I Ask It?
It’s easy…
At Immanuel, just contact Deaconess Suzanne Fingerle or Pastor Warren Schilf.
At Prince of Peace, just contact ????.
You may also use the “Get Help!” button above.
I Have a Quick Comment or Suggestion - How Do I Tell You About It?
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Serving in the A/V Ministry
Why Do You Love Your Palatine LERT Ministry? What Difference Does it Make? Why Does It Matter?
We love serving in the Palatine LERT Ministry because it ties together our love of helping people, with our desire to serve our God and connecting people to Him. The assistance we give to people, 100% free of charge, assures them that they are not alone, that there is hope, that our God knows them and that He will never forsake them.
Helping someone pick-up the pieces of their home after something like a tornado has torn it apart and they give you a hug, is something that you never forget, and neither will they. The Holy Spirit is alive and active in such situations. It’s a humble privilege to be part of His working.
What Kind of Volunteers are Especially Needed Right Now?
You might be thinking that the LERT Ministry is only interested in strong, young me who can do work. If that’s the case, then you would be totally incorrect! 🙂 Indeed, there are some things we do that are physical, but there are many ways to serve that are physically undemanding. God has given each of us a unique mix of talents and abilities, all of which are valuable and all of which can be used in the LERT Minsitry. We can and will find a place for you to serve… promise.
How Often Does the Palatine LERT Ministry Team Serve?
Serving within the LERT ministry is rather unpredictable. We don’t know when a natural disaster will strike, nor where. We don’t know when a potential homeowner client will be approved for assistance. But taken collectively, our LERT Team is standing by.
The LERT Ministry typically has a group meeting every-other-month.
What are the Time Requirements?
The duration of service for any particular event will of coarse vary from a few hours to several days. Volunteering to serve at any particular event is always 100% voluntary, on an individual, per event basis. Being a member of the LERT Ministry is not a commitment to serve, but rather an opportunity to serve in an official capacity, as your situation and availability allow.
The LERT Minstry’s every-other-month meetings are usually 1 1/2 to 2 hours in duration.
Is There a Job Description?
Not at this time.
Will you Provide Training?
In fact, becoming LERT-Certified is a requirement of our ministry. Following a natural disaster, local law enforcement typically cordons off the affected area and will allow only credentialed and vested personnel into the area. LERT training provides that certification. LERT training is periodically offered to volunteers at local-area churches.
Additional specialized training will be required if you want to serve on the LERT chain saw team. Fallen trees are always associated with natural disasters. Resources and people for getting the fallen trees safely cut-up into manageable pieces and removed are always in high-demand following a disaster.
Are There Any Special Requirements to Serve in this Ministry?
There is a minimum age of 18 to serve in a Natural Disaster location. A signed Medical and Liability form is also required.
How Can I Explore and Check Out Your Ministry to See if it is for Me (with no strings attached)?
No problem at all… just click on the “Serve!” button above, let us know your contact information and preferences and we’ll get in touch with you right away. You will be welcomed. You are cordially invited to come and check us out, ask lots of questions and see if God is calling you to serve with us. No worries if you decide that we are not for you. We understand. There are lots of ministry opportunities at Immanuel and Prince of Peace. On the other hand, we would not be surprised if the LERT Ministry calls to you… just as it does to us!

This is my testimonial text of why this ministry totally rocks. This is my testimonial text of why this ministry totally rocks. This is my testimonial text of why this ministry totally rocks. This is my testimonial text of why this ministry totally rocks.