Volunteers help move a giant sea turtle that will delight kids attending Deep Sea Discovery next month.
Volunteers and staff, including three 7th Graders willing to help move a giant sea turtle, are working hard to ensure that Deep Sea Discovery, Immanuel’s Adventure Bible Camp (ABC) will be a great experience for campers. A word to the wise: parents need to register their children this week - registration closes Friday, May 26.
Each day at ABC kids will sing, shout, praise, pray, and be introduced to a Bible story and the daily theme. Then after kids experience the other activities of the day, they gather back at Celebration Reef to be encouraged to love God and to be motivated to serve others. Other sites at Deep Sea Discovery include S.S. Discovery, where kids will explore the Bible story in a variety of interactive ways; Pelican Pier, where kids have time to move around, have fun, and fill up on snacks; Curiosity Cavern, where kids explore the mysteries of the sea through science and crafts; and E.C.H.O. Sea Sub, where kids are encouraged to serve others! All these fun activities connect to the Bible story, Bible Memory, and the truth that God is with us wherever we go!
Volunteers and staff are waiting for some brave deep-sea divers to join them in serving and having fun!
Date: June 19 - 23, 2017
Place: Immanuel Lutheran Church and School, 200 North Plum Grove Road, Palatine IL 60067
Time: 9:00 a.m. - Noon
Register Online by Friday, May 26th!
Contact: Trephina Bedell, tbedell@ilcp.org or 847-359-1549.