The goal was ambitious: pack 250 shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child in one evening. On November 6th, over 150 people came together at Immanuel Lutheran Church and School and exceeded that goal, packing 350 boxes. The Operation Christmas Child (#OCC) Shoebox Packing Party was a fantastic success Monday night. We’d like to thank everyone who donated to the project — including Thrivent Financial, Colgate, Immanuel members , First United Methodist Church, school families, and community members, as well as the volunteers who packed the shoeboxes, American Heritage Girls Troops IL0412 and IL3130, Trail Life USA Troop IL0412, Palatine High School Service Club, Cub Scout Pack Bear Den 209, Cub Scout Pack 397, and the Wednesday Adventure Bible Class.
The shoeboxes are part of Operation Christmas Child, a project that brings joy and hope to children in desperate situations worldwide through gift-filled shoe boxes. These boxes are frequently called GO boxes, Gospel Opportunity, because they allow the love of Jesus to be shared to children who have not previously had the opportunity. Shoeboxes are filled with presents such as school supplies, toothbrushes, combs, personal letters, a toy, and a variety of other small-sized gifts. For many children, their shoebox is the first and only gift they’ll ever receive. The presents and personal letters inside communicate that someone cares for them and gives them an opportunity to experience the love of God. Immanuel Lutheran collects donations for these boxes year-round.
It is not too late to participate this year. Simply fill a shoebox (plastic or paper) with a variety of suggested items – some fun, some practical, some both – and bring it back to Immanuel during “National Collection Week,” November 13- 20. For specific times, please visit or call 224-801-8356.
Please continue to pray for the children who will receive these boxes, and for Operation Christmas Child. Shoebox collection efforts and projects for 2018 will begin shortly!
For more information, please contact Trephina Bedell at 847-359-1549 or Immanuel Lutheran Church and School, a fixture in the Palatine community for nearly 150 years, offers a variety of programs and services to the people of Palatine, as well as weekly worship services. More information on Operation Christmas Child may be found at

Packing Party By The Numbers
• 350 Shoeboxes Packed
• 150 Volunteers
• 9 Groups represented
• Over 500 pictures taken
• 2 giant photo frames
• 6 buckets of crayons used to color friend letters
• Over 100 cups of popcorn and pretzels served to volunteers
• An endless number of prayers and smiles!