Below is a list of items to be assembled for a Blessing Bucket to be distributed by deployed LERT team members to any disaster affected families.

5 gal. round bucket with lid - The assembled buckets can be stacked for storage and shipping.
1 roll of paper towels
3 pack of pocket tissue packs
1 - 25 ct. roll of 30 gal. ultra strong garbage bags
4-5 ct. package of dust masks
2 pr. of reusable latex gloves (ie: Mr. Clean)
2 pr. of jersey or canvas work gloves
1 large sponges
2 ct. bars of soap
1 package of reusable wipes (ie: Handi-wipes, Brillo Basics)
1 container of disinfectant wipes (ie: Lysol, Store Brand, etc.)
1 package of personal cleansing wipes (ie: Wet Wipes, baby wipes, Simple)
Thrivent Notebook w/pen
3-5 ct. 9×12 manilla envelopes (for receipts, esti-mates, etc.)
Small First Aid Kit (ie: Welly Human Repair Kit, Store Brand 4×5 travel kit)
Family Care Pump Bug spray – No aerosol cans
Portable phone charger (LCMS Donation)
LCMS DR Household Cleaning Manual
LCMS DR Devotional
Most of these items can be purchased at Dollar Tree, Menards, Wal-Mart or Target. The total cost of preparing a Blessing Bucket is $35-$45, including the cost of the 5 gallon container and lid.
*Lutheran Church Charities will provide labels for the buckets.