
On Friday, February 17 we are reserving spots at Escapeology. Our first time will probably be at 8:30 p.m. If your child is interested in going please let Pastor Donald know. SIGN UP BELOW Escapeology Name* I want to go to Escapeology on Friday, February 17 Yes Maybe...

Mission Trip

I am organizing a mission trip to Camp Luther Island in Henning, Minnesota. The trip will be July 16-22. It will be open to anybody high school or older. The registration cost is $295 and there will be some cost for travel. Hopefully, we can do some fundraisers to...

Step Right Up; Volunteers Wanted

By: Kevin Kindelin After talking about the topic of volunteerism for an article with Pastor Tom the other week, I went away thinking about my own motivation to volunteer. I have to admit, like most of us, my initial thought after being asked to do something can be,...

Spreading God’s Love in Cambodia

Six Immanuel members will be traveling to Siem Reap, Cambodia on March 8 to join George and Shary Frahm and Cambodian Pastor Samuel in spreading the Gospel message of God’s love through various activities including worship services, community prayer walks, VBS...

Court of Award and Honors

On December 5, Immanuel’s American Heritage Girls® (AHG) and Trail Life USA troops held their joint Winter Court of Awards and Honors. It was a very special evening where troop members were recognized in front of family and friends for their hard work and...