WIFI (Women in Faith Immanuel) Event
Friday May 4 from 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Sacred Pathways by Gary Thomas
Led by Immanuel member, Carol Ruhter
Join Us! Invite your Girlfriends!
Coffee, Tea and Dessert will be served! $10/person
Bring the kids for Pizza and a Movie! $5/child
To sign up call the church office @ 847-359-1549.
Our Creator, who designed us with distinct personality traits, unique spiritual gifts,
and talents, ALSO designed us with an intimate pathway that leads straight to HIS
OWN HEART. These pathways are how we most naturally relate to God, come to
know Him believer, and have more intimacy with Him. For some, it is studying church
history or theology …. For others it is singing, reading hymns, or dancing … For some
it is by walking in the woods. No matter what path we take, HE IS THE DESTINATION.
Research found that there are generally 9 different pathways. And while one or two
pathways might be dominant for you, we all have a bit of each pathway. That is
what we’ll explore. We’ll take a short assessment and discover what our paths are
… and the paths of those around us … and learn about each of them.
When we identify and walk our spiritual pathway more regularly, we will be replenished spiritually, able to serve God joyfully, effortlessly, and more dynamically.
We will be able to minister to others more effectively through their pathway.
We will have a profound new respect for others’ paths. People have conflicting and strong demands of what they want from church. This helps us understand those feelings and diminish conflict.