Acts of Kindness for Advent – An Alternative Advent Calendar
Begins November 29th
A Reverse Advent Calendar is about giving a small, new item every day until you have a box of much needed and useful items which will fill the empty spaces in the Good Samaritan Pantry.
Here are the items we are collecting –
PLEASE – all FULL size items
- toothpaste
- toothbrushes (adult & child)
- dental floss
- mouthwash
- razors
- shaving cream
- baby shampoo
- baby wipes
- facial cleanser
- bar soap
- body wash
- body lotion
- shampoo
- conditioner
- hair spray
- deodorant
- dish soap
- Pine-sol, Windex, Soft Scrub, etc
- toilet paper
- toilet bowl cleaner
- make-up (new)
- chapstick
- feminine hygiene products
- facial tissues

Bring your box wrapped in Christmas wrapping paper to church on Christmas Eve and place it under the tree in Fellowship Hall.