September 11, 2001, is a day that will never be forgotten. It was on that day terrorists attacked the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. Many first responders heard the call to serve their fellow man. They made sacrifices to rescue those who were trapped and lost. This year marked 15 years since that tragic event took place. On September 11, 2016, Immanuel held a special outdoor service. The weather was beautiful. The service preceded the annual 9-11 procession by the Palatine Fire Department honoring the first responders. Each year, the procession passes right by Immanuel and concludes at the Palatine Firefighter Memorial. Immanuel’s day school students are blessed with the opportunity to observe this procession annually. Since September 11 was a Sunday this year, the congregation participated in showing their respects. Our Sunday School students participated as well with a balloon release carrying notes of love for God to bring where they are needed most.