10:00am Every Friday in Fellowship Hall
50’s Plus is Immanuel’s fellowship group for those over 50. We welcome singles, couples, or one of a couple, and we encourage you to bring friends from the community. We do not actually have “members” but are mature adults who want to enjoy each other’s company, to learn some new things, to grow in God’s Word and to have fun! We meet on Fridays in Fellowship Hall at 10:00am. We greet each other over a cup of coffee and start with a Bible topic. We then move on to our program at 11:00, which is followed by lunch at noon for a $2.00 donation.
Our programs for September and October are:
September 9, Lynne Hoyer, Immanuel’s Kids Hope Mentoring Program
September 16, Curt Wolfanger, Musical iMagic (not your father’s organ)
September 23, Kevin Loughlin, Building a Retirement Plan
September 30, David Kaz, Demystifying Gold & Silver Gold
October 7, Reid Ottesen, Palatine Village Manager Updates
October 14, Lynne Hoyer, MOST Eyeglasses in Ethiopia with Deaf Community
October 21, Pastor Schalk, TBD
October 28, Kellie Poliquin, Palatine Police, TBD